Monday, December 30, 2013


Waiting has to be one of the hardest things to do. Like really really really hard. It's like a toddler looking at a pile of cookies and his mom saying wait until after dinner. It seems almost unbearable for the little boy. Thats how it is for us too. When we think about our future (our future spouses specifically) we just want it now. But not only is that not realistic, it's not what's best for us. Because just like the mother who says wait, God tells us to wait. Just like the mother, God knows what's best for us just like the mother knows what's best for the baby.

You see, we may all think it'd be so great to just have our husband or wife now, but that's not the case. The thing is, if we all met our husband or wife at the age of 13, we would mess it up. Pretty badly actually. When we are 13, we are still babies. We think that we are so grown up and on top of the world, but in reality, we are not. We aren't mature yet. Those feelings usually aren't love, they're hormones. When we're that young, we don't grasp the idea of love entirely. We think we do, but we don't. As we get older, we get wiser, and we learn to love along the way. 

Learning to love is only part of it though. God doesn't let us meet or rather, date our future husband/wife until we are BOTH ready. Meaning, both people have to grow up.... A lot. If even one person isn't ready, he won't let you two meet. I mean, we'd mess it up! And thank you, God, that you don't let us meet until we are both ready cause we would surely mess it up if it was in our timing.

Being human, we want everything NOW. We want instant gratification, and with as little work as possible. But that isn't how God works. If we want something, not only do we have to wait until we're ready, but we also have to work for it. God tests us in life. He tests us because He wants to know that we are growing in Him and maturing. That may seem so horrible, but it's not. 

So you may be wondering what you should be doing now, until you meet your future spouse. So here's 6 little things that I've compiled:

• Get lost in God. Be so in love with Him that you long to grow in Christ everyday and desire to be close to God. 
• Pray. Pray for your future spouse everyday. Pray for their safety, pray for their health, pray for any trial they may be going through. Pray that they find you when you are both ready, in God's timing. Pray that they are following God with everything in them, and that they know how much you already love them. 
• Be purposefully single. Be single by choice! Society says that being single is bad, and that if you're single then you will be forever alone. That is NOT the case! You would much rather be alone now than with the wrong person for the rest of your life. Being single also means you get to spend more time with God. And who doesn't wanna do that?!
• Pursue your dreams. It's hard to focus on your own dreams when someone else is in the picture. It's like you get so wrapped up in them that you forget about your own hopes and dreams. And even though your future husband or wife will encourage your dreams, the wrong guy or girl will not. So, while you're waiting on Mr. or Mrs. Right, pursue your talents and dreams. 
• Stay pure. Stay pure in every way. Emotionally, physically, and spiritually. There is nothing more attractive than a pure heart. 
• Write a list of things you want in your future spouse. Start with your NEEDS, your non-negotiables like faith, and then build it up to your wants, things that would just be icing on the cake. For example, a need for me is for him to be good with kids. A want is for him to give amazing hugs. :)  Reference your list while dating (making sure they have your non-negotiables) and then, when you get married, check the list again. See how many qualities your spouse has :)

Of course the list could go on and on, but those are just 6 examples. 

But just know today that you are loved. You don't have to have a guy or a girl right now, God is saving you for someone extra extra extra special, someone who is worth the wait. I've heard of couples that waited for each other for 20 years and when they finally found each other they say they would do it all over again if they knew that their spouse would be waiting for them on the other side. How amazing is that?! That's the kind of love I want. The kind that doesn't mind waiting, because they're worth the wait. So, while you are waiting, pray and seek God. God isn't going to give us someone before we even get to know HIM. I mean, He is supposed to be number one in our lives, so until He is, he's not going to give you a guy or girl. He doesn't need someone to compete with Him for the top space in your life. So, love the Lord and guard your heart now. 

Waiting isn't always easy, but it is always worth it. 

I love y'all! And happy early new year! Thank you all for making my 2013 so special! Let's make 2014 the best year yet!
-xoxo, Love always, @InfiniteFaith7 

Monday, December 9, 2013


So I came up with this idea for a blog post when I came across the hashtag a while back. I love the whole idea behind it! Not only is it talking about what makes you happy, it's positive! So many hashtags and trends are negative & only bring you down, but this one does the exact opposite & I like that alot! 

I have been really trying to be more positive lately! Between online classes, my college classes starting in January, my courses at school, extracurriculars, friends, family, & church, my life is pretty busy & stressful so it's easy for me to fall into the trap of negativity! So, I've been looking for ways to remind myself to stay positive & happy!

So, here's a list of some of the things that make me smile! 
Ps. There may be some other anon's in here too ;p 

#ReasonsWhyISmile Well, frankly, I have an AMAZING God! Words cannot describe how amazing He is, mostly because my human brain can't even comprehend His glory!! 

#ReasonsWhyISmile My sins are forgiven!! I get to wake up everyday to new mercies! Through all of my failures, I am still loved the same.

#ReasonsWhyISmile God's love. It's everlasting. It's uncontainable. It's on fire! It's for me. It's for you. It's for all of us. The creator of the universe loves me & you!!! Whaaaaat? How awesome is that?!

#ReasonsWhyISmile I'm awake, I'm alive, I'm healthy! I get to live another day on this beautiful earth! #blessed

#ReasonsWhyISmile God fulfills all of my needs, so there's no need for me to worry about anything!!

#ReasonsWhyISmile I have the best family in the world. No matter how
much we fight, I know that they'll always have my back. We always say "I love you" too, which is something I take for granted a lot. I'm so thankful to have a family that not only says it, but shows it, too.

#ReasonsWhyISmile my sweet nephew makes me smile daily. :)

#ReasonsWhyISmile even hundreds of miles away, my sister is still one of my best friends & I can go to her with literally anything.

#ReasonsWhyISmile my mom. She's the strongest woman I know, & even when she's struggling, she helps others. She constantly is sacrificing her time, efforts, & money for me & I'm so thankful for that. I pray that one day not only will i become a strong woman like her, but that I can also repay all of the favors & love one day.

#ReasonsWhyISmile my brother. Oh my gosh, we fight constantly but all in all, I know he's always there for me & will always protect me & stand up for me.

#ReasonsWhyISmile um my best friends ovbi. They're the best, & I literally don't know what I'd do without them. 

#ReasonsWhyISmile I am apart of an amazing organization at my school, & I'm so thankful for that! I can literally go in feeling horrible one day & someone will say or do something to make me feel better. We truly are a family, & I love my Student Government family!

#ReasonsWhyISmile I have a bright future thanks to Jesus!!

#ReasonsWhyISmile God will always make a way. 

#ReasonsWhyISmile Jesus gives me new joy every morning!!!

#ReasonsWhyISmile everyday I get a little bit stronger, & grow more in Christ.

#ReasonsWhyISmile even on my worst days God still shows me that He cares!

#ReasonsWhyISmile everyday that passes means I'm one day closer to meeting my future husband. <3

#ReasonsWhyISmile Starbucks. Let's be real here, it's amazingly delicious.

#ReasonsWhyISmile my best friends are so hilarious & stupid (in a good way lol) that I can't help but smile!

#ReasonsWhyISmile Zaxbys. Chick-Fil-A. Cupcakes. The color pink. Friday night games with my friends. Chocolate. Coral, teal, & chevron. The beach. Makeup. Jewelry. Sweaters. Boots. Toms. Music. Pitch Perfect. Owls. Gliiiiiiittttterrrrr. Curly hair. Warm fuzzy blankets. Twitter. Insta. Twix. Boston terriers. Heels. Dresses. Jeans. Surprises. Diamonds. Bible study dates. Starbucks again.
(To name a few of my favorite things... Only a few of course ;p)

#ReasonsWhyISmile you guys of course!! All of my amazing followers put a smile on my face every single day. I love y'all :) 

#ReasonsWhyISmile ugly Christmas sweaters. I don't know why but I love them you guys. 

#ReasonsWhyISmile macaroni & cheese. Like yes please.

#ReasonsWhyISmile Christian pick up lines.... They just make me smile ok!  

#ReasonsWhyISmile songs. I associate songs with memories, so every time I hear certain songs, I think of the memories I've had & the person I have memories with... And I can't help but smile. :) 

#ReasonsWhyISmile I'm so blessed. I know I don't appreciate this life as much as I should, but I really am thankful. Thank you, Lord, for this amazing life & the amazing people in it! 

And now onto some of @NotPerfGirl97's reasons to smile. :)

#ReasonsWhyISmile One Direction are complete goofballs & never fail to make me laugh XD

#ReasonsWhyISmile because I have awesome friends & can turn my frown upside down :p

#ReasonsWhyISmile When I think about the beautiful and awesome future God has planned out for me. With my husband and children, in particular. I know he's going to do amazing things because he's an awesome God. 

#ReasonsWhyISmile I'm weird so when I reflect on my actions, I'm just like "I'm an idiot" but I humor myself!

#ReasonsWhyISmile Jesus loves me despite my many screw ups, He's always there for me which is extremely comforting and He always forgives me when I make mistakes. (Which are plentiful)

So, that's 5 of her biggest reasons to smile! And one of my biggest reasons to smile is because of @NotPerfGirl97, so: 
My #ReasonWhyISmile is because of you, Car. You just understand me, & you have since day one! I'm so thankful that God placed you in my life last year! You can make me laugh when I feel like crying, & you are one of the only people that understand my obsession with beauty products & pinterest, & therefore I applaud you. :p All in all, I'm so blessed to have a best friend like you, & I couldnt imagine not having you in my life. I love you gorgeous! 

Now, @MissionaryWmn has some reasons why she smiles: 

#ReasonsWhyISmile I have the opportunity to go to school everyday and further my future. 

#ReasonsWhyISmile Christmas lights are up and Christ is being praised this Holiday Season. I'll work on the rest!

#ReasonsWhyISmile the Christmas tree is up, which means the smell of evergreen trees emanate throughout the house!

#ReasonsWhyISmile my puppy is laying beside me and has fluffy fur and gives me warmth and something to laugh about! 

#ReasonsWhyISmile God is planning out my future perfectly at this very moment. He's knows exactly what is going to happen in my future because He has already been there. That alone is reason enough to smile all the time.

Anddddd of course I have a reason why I smile that reflects off of you, lovely! So, my #ReasonWhyISmile is you! You have been my bestfriend for almost 3 years now, how crazy is that? We become so close that year that you transferred schools, & I'm so thankful that God brought you to my school! He knew that I'd need you so much over the future! You have always been the best friend to me, & youre always there to offer Godly advice & steer me in the right direction when I need it! So, thank you times a million! I love you, beautiful! 

And here's @ASweetGuy1's reasons to smile:

#ReasonsWhyISmile How Great God is & what He has blessed me with.

#ReasonsWhyISmile I have family & friends who love me.

#ReasonsWhyISmile I am tested everyday by God, which Strengthens my faith.

#ReasonsWhyISmile Ive been forgiven of all my sins.

#ReasonsWhyISmile Im alive.

And obviously I have a #ReasonWhyISmile that is because of you! We have always kinda known each other, since about middle school or even a little before,  but we have gotten so close over the past few months. I'm so thankful to have you in my life, & I'm so thankful that I have an awesome friend like you to vent to, talk about God with, & just be crazy with. So, thank you for becoming one of my bestfriends & for always encouraging me! You're the Bestest! 

So, there are a bunch of our reasons to smile! I just wanted to thank all of y'all for reading this, & for always supporting me! I know it sounds cheesy & cliche, but y'all really are one of my biggest reasons to smile! Y'all are literally so sweet to me & always make me feel loved. It's crazy how people that you've never even met can be your biggest cheerleaders. So thank you all from the very bottom of my heart, & from the top & both sides too ;p 

By the way, y'all tweet me some of your biggest reasons to smile with the hashtag "#ReasonsWhyISmile" & @ me :) I'd love to hear them & retweet them! :) 

Have a blessed rest of your week loves! 

-Love always, @InfiniteFaith7 xoxo