Hello lovelies!
I'm so super excited to be starting this blog, and so super excited that one of my friends helped me with it! He's also an anon on twitter, and if you don't already, you should follow him cause well, he's awesome. So a huge thank you to @ASweetGuy1 for helping me with this blog!
So, first I'm going to talk about some tips we both have for girls.And any of y'all that read this all the way through, y'all are awesome and deserve a piece of chocolate or something. Anyways, enjoy. :)
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is worthy to be praised." -Proverbs 31:30
Girls, we have things hard. Not only do we deal with those guys who have high expectations of what girls should look like, but we also have magazines, tv shows, and people around us who seem, well, perfect. Along with those things filling our head with the ideas of what women should look like and act like, we have that little voice inside our head. For some reason, we all have low self esteem. Some have it worse than others, but everyone has insecurities. But I'm here to tell all of y'all that you're beautiful & that voice inside your head is wrong. You are more than what you see in the mirror. And wow im preaching to myself here ladies. You are an amazing girl who is shaping into an amazing woman of God. You may not be the most popular girl that all the guys want, but you're perfect. Don't change for anyone. Promise? Good. Because beauty is fleeting, and true beauty comes from the inside. Also, just because you may not be "popular" by the world's standards, & just because you may not have people falling at your feet wanting to be your friend, that doesn't mean you're worthless. Actually, it's the complete opposite. You're PRICELESS. Jesus paid the ultimate price when He died on the cross for you, so you're obvs worth a whole lot. :) Those girls that "have it all" and "have the perfect life" are really miserable inside. They have a status they have to keep up every single day. They have fake friends. They have crazy drama. They're not happy, but they have to make it look like they are. So, just as the scripture says, people's charm can be very deceitful.
Now, on to @ASweetGuy1's tips for girls!
1) A girl should be respectful of herself and others. A girl respecting herself basically can be summed up as modest is hottest. Just because society says you need to dress a certain way to be cool or worth having doesn't mean it's the truth. Dressing immodestly is like rolling around in manure. Sure, you'll get attention, but it will be from pigs. If you want to attract the RIGHT guy for the RIGHT reasons, start with respecting yourself & your body. Also, be respectful of others. Noone likes a girl thats rude to everyone. Take time out of your day to just be nice to people. Talk to the new girl at church, help the kid who dropped their books in the halls, and talk to the girl who is always alone. Just do things to be nice and because God calls you to be a light. :)
2) Have some self confidence. Basically, if someone gives you a compliment, accept it. Smile & say thank you! Don't argue about it. If a guy or girl says you look nice that day or that they love your smile, they genuinely mean it. Accept the compliment!
3) Study your bible everyday. If you want to attract an Ephesians 5 man, you need to learn to be a Proverbs 31 woman. You will be able to achieve that by studying the word and spending time with God.
4) Be weird. Be strange. Be whatever. But always be you. Don't ever change for someone else. The right guy will come along and not only accept all of your little quirks, but LOVE them. Also, any true friend will wanna be your friend for who you are, not who you are not. So, don't change for anyone. All of the little strange or weird things you do make you you. And you is pretty awesome. :) So basically girls, my best advice for you is to better yourself by studying God's word, and work on your self confidence. You ARE fearfully and wonderfully made, and you WILL overcome. You are God's daughter, His beautiful princess, and He is sooo in love with you. Look to Him for your self worth & confidence.
Now, onto my tips for guys!
"For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." -Ephesians 5:5-11 NKJV
Basically, this excerpt from Ephesians talks about being clean and pure. God has put a call on every single one of your lives. But, with that call comes responsibility. Just as the scripture says, you are a new creature in Christ. All the old has passed away, and you have made whole. So, after being changed, you can't continue on life as you once did. You are to obey God above all, and keep your heart and mind pure. You are to be an example.
My tips for guys:
1) Be humble. Be a servant. Noone likes someone who is boastful and full of pride. I can guarantee you that I would take the down-to-earth Godly guy over the big headed jerk who is popular. What's more important in the long run? Obviously a guys morals & standards. I want a guy who cares about something way bigger than himself.
2) Be sold out for God. In today's society, being a Christian isn't the cool thing to be. But it's the BEST thing you can be. There's something about a guy who's so in love with Jesus. When I see a guy singing, dancing, and raising his hands praising God..... The feeling I get is indescribable. I can't tell you how attractive a guy who is sold out for God is, and i can't tell you how amazing it is to still see guys like that. You are a rare find anymore, but when I do see a guy like this, I am so incredibly blessed by it. So worship with all you have, show that you belong to God, and don't be afraid to be loud for Christ!
3) Be kind. Be considerate. Be a gentleman. It doesn't matter if it's to your girlfriend, your friend, your mom, or a total stranger, be kind and considerate of them. Take a stand for chivalry. Show us girls that chivalry is not dead and there is still guys who open doors and do the little things for others. Respect everyone.
4) Never be ashamed to be yourself. This is basically the same as the girl's. Don't be afraid to show how weird and crazy you are! Those who really matter will love you through it. Never change for someone. If they really care about you, they won't ask you to change yourself.
So, for the few that are still reading this, thank you so much! It means so much to me that you guys actually care enough to hear the thoughts of this awkward teenager, and I'm so thankful for the opportunities I've had through my twitter account! As you can see, this entry was super long, so those of you still reading deserve a piece of chocolate! Some of these facts are interchangeable, and there are so many things I could still say on these subjects, which Im sure I will some day! I pray that it inspires you! As always, God bless y'all! Thank you for everything lovelies! I love y'all!